Review: White Beach Front and Cottages

Tania to Kieron: We’re going to have a gap between when we move out of this Airbnb and when we fly to Siargao. 

Kieron to Tania: Okay, no worries. I’ve found this cute hotel on the beach near the airport, we can stay there.

Tania to Kieron: Oh that’s strange, the directions on Google Maps just end and then it looks like we need to trek through the jungle to get to it.

Kieron to Tania: I’m sure it’ll be fine.

It’s pretty noticeable at times like this how differently Kieron and I like to organise things. I am an overthinker. I look up directions well ahead of time. I research restaurant options and check the menu before we go. Kieron does not do any of these things. So when he organises things, I must relax and leave the whole thing up to him. 

When we got off the boat from Boracay, we sought out a driver with a sidecar and explained where we needed to go. He said he could take us along the part of the journey that was on the highway, but then we’d have to get on motorbikes. The road wasn’t suitable for his bike to go the whole way. We agreed and had a bumpy ride to the turn-off to the beach where he left us.

There were two men with motorbikes happy to see us. They said they could take us and all our luggage the rest of the way. Now, we are not carry-on only digital nomads. We each have 65-litre bags along with our smaller carry backpacks. This didn’t seem to phase them in the least. We each climbed on the back of a bike with our small packs on and another man helped lay our large bags across our thighs, in between us and our drivers. Off we went.

This road we later found out was very new. It used to be a dirt track and people did hike the kilometre through the jungle to make it to the beach. The road didn’t seem phased by the hills and simply went up and over each one, snaking back and forth to remove some of the steepness. I was definitely hanging on tight as I felt like I might slip off the bike. 


Reception of White Beach Front and Cottages


The path to White Beach Front and Cottages

The road ended and a porter kindly hoisted my bag up onto his shoulder and set off down a trail. We later realised that the hotel was small enough to send a porter for each arrival to help them navigate the path. A short walk led us to the beach and then through a series of small huts that alternated between beachside restaurants and hotel rooms. Just before sunset, we arrived at White Beach Front and Cottages.

When Kieron said hotel near the airport I was picturing a soulless box of a hotel where you could see the runway. Instead, we ended up in a gorgeous set of huts, where you walked ten steps to the onsite restaurant and then down onto the sand. The beach was remote so although there was a collection of places to stay, the beach was quiet compared to the hecticness of Boracay’s White Beach. 


Sunset from the hotel restaurant

Both the hosts and guests were friendly, chatting with us and making us feel like we were at home. The menu was fairly limited for vegetarians but their curry was delicious enough to have for dinner both nights we were there without complaint. 

The weather was a bit stormy when we arrived. We still got to watch a glorious sunset but the water looked a bit choppy to make swimming enjoyable. The following day started with glorious sunshine and Kieron began his day with a swim — his ideal way to start any day. The rain stayed away all day and we could explore beyond our beach, swim and sunbathe. There were crystal kayaks and snorkelling gear to hire as well as a couple of paraw boats taking some of the guests out.

Unsurprisingly, our phones were out of range. There is something so calming about not being able to check your phone. It forced us to be more present, enjoy our surroundings and not waste hours scrolling. Our hut did have a TV with a broad range of English-speaking channels which was a bit of a novelty. We’ve spent the last few months without real TV, just watching shows on our laptops. 

If you’re looking for a quiet, beachside getaway with limited connectivity to help you unwind, White Beach Front and Cottages should be on your list. It’s a hidden gem that is starting to get more well-known so head there soon, before the crowds. 


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